About Us
Our programs seek to educate our students and the wider world about the nature, structure, and function of language, one of the most important defining properties of humankind. Because the study of language falls at the crossroads of several disciplines (psychology, social science, cognitive science, philosophy, literary and cultural studies, education, and computer science), it is by nature interdisciplinary, and succeeds best when it integrates a variety of perspectives.
Recent News
Are you fascinated by how we acquire languages? Have you
wondered how being bilingual affects how we think and behave? Our new minor in Language Acquisition and Bilingualism (LAB) is for you!
The department is pleased to welcome our newest assistant professors: Kyle Jerro in Linguistics and Jun Takahashi in Japanese.
Upcoming & Recent Events
Thinking about getting a graduate degree?
Watch the video from our virtual information session to learn more about our MA program.
Important Resources
The Linguistics Student Association (LSA) introduces students to the study of language and is open to all majors. Members have the opportunity to connect with linguistics professionals and attend events on campus.
The Linguistic Society of America asserts its collective support for Black members of our community — students, colleagues, family, friends and neighbors.
Pending funding, tutoring is offered each semester for students enrolled in certain Linguistics courses.