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Part-Time and Temporary Lecturers

The Department of Linguistics and Asian/Middle Eastern Languages is accepting applications for its pool of part-time and temporary lecturers to teach one or more courses in the following areas: Developmental Writing for international/bilingual students, College Composition and Advanced Composition for international/bilingual students, and Academic Reading and Writing for Second Language Students.  Learn more about lecturer positions.

Teaching Associates

Teaching Associates typically are responsible for providing classroom and/or laboratory instruction, making assignments to students, preparing course materials, administering examinations, assessing student performance, tutoring students and determining course grades. Also, incumbents may assist faculty with field experience, supervision, simulation exercises and/or research projects.  Please contact the department chair, Gregory Keating, at [email protected] if you are interested in a position.

Graduate Assistants

Typical activities of Graduate Assistants may include: assisting in the instruction of students by conducting small discussion groups related to large lecture or television courses and the like, supervising laboratory periods, workshops, production courses or other course activities, assisting by handling equipment, performing demonstrations, maintaining office hours to provide direct individual contact between student and graduate assistant, clarifying course material or course content for students, providing assistance to faculty conducting authorized research by collecting and arranging data, developing source materials, summarizing reports, searching the literature and compiling bibliographies, developing and operating research equipment, preparing and caring for research materials, assisting in the conduct of experiments, etc., and/or generally assisting faculty in evaluating student work and examinations, preparing course materials and aids, or performing other functions requiring knowledge and background beyond that generally possessed by undergraduate assistants. Please contact the department chair, Gregory Keating, at [email protected] if you are interested in a position.

Instructional Student Assistants

Under supervision, Instructional Student Assistants perform teaching, grading or tutoring duties for the majority of work hours in a given appointment in a given academic department or equivalent administrative unit over the course of an academic term. Please contact the department chair, Gregory Keating, at [email protected] if you are interested in a position.