Linguistics Tutoring
Pending funding, tutoring is offered each semester for students enrolled in certain
Linguistics courses.
What are the tutoring sessions for?
The main goal of these sessions is for students to be able to explore problems and
clarify doubts by engaging in productive conversations with a peer tutor. Sessions
are opportunities to discuss issues, develop new learning strategies, and practice
various aspects of the course goals.
What is a tutoring session not for?
Peer tutors are not responsible for “teaching” particular course content. Furthermore,
it is best if sessions do not focus on simply correcting or proofreading work. Peer
tutors are not responsible for improving assignments or eliminating errors. Peer tutors
offer suggestions and advice. They are not responsible for the quality of students’
work or grades they might receive in their classes.
How can students attend a session?
Sessions are open to all students taking certain Linguistics courses at SDSU (see schedule below). The tutoring room is Storm Hall 108D.
Current Tutoring Schedule (To access, you will need to sign in using your SDSUid)
Who are the tutors?
Tutors are undergraduate or graduate students whose work is to help fellow students. Even though they are not professional tutors, they are students who have successfully completed Linguistics courses and can offer help or advise to fellow students.