Gregory D. Keating, Ph.D.
Gregory D. Keating is a professor of Linguistics and former chair in the Department of Linguistics and Asian/Middle Eastern Languages at San Diego State University. He earned a B.A. in Spanish from the University of Texas at Austin, an M.A. in Spanish literature from the University of Notre Dame, and a doctorate in Hispanic Linguistics/Second Language Acquisition from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Keating's research aims to identify the grammatical domains that are most susceptible to non-convergence and attrition in bilingual acquisition and to identify variables in the profiles of bilinguals that account for successful and unsuccessful outcomes relative to monolinguals, such as onset age of acquisition and working memory capacity. Using psycholinguistic techniques such as eye-tracking and self-paced reading, the bulk of his work examines the linguistic behavior of two groups of bilingual Spanish speakers: adult second language learners of Spanish and Spanish heritage speakers. More information is available on his personal and lab websites.